In bulk drugs used to produce pharmaceuticals, environmental factors such as temperature and humidity can cause changes in crystalline polymorphism, even if the composition remains unchanged. Because characteristics such as solubility and rate of absorption differ for each crystalline polymorphism, crystalline polymorphisms have to be differentiated and quantified when developing and manufacturing pharmaceuticals. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry can be used to determine the type of crystalline structure to which a specimen belongs.
- 20µm
- 0.5µm
- 30µm
- 20µm
- 300µm
Product name/
Series name
- X-ray
To ensure the safety of pharmaceuticals ingested by patients, elements that are impurities in the pharmaceuticals must be controlled. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry plays a role in controlling the elements in impurities.
- CT
The speed with which drugs take effect (immediate effectivity/delayed effectivity) and the duration of effect (sustained release) are determined in the drug formulation and design phases. XCT is mainly used to inspect and manage internal structure, searching for cracks inside granules, tablets and capsules (“capping”), gaps, non-uniformity of coating, separation and phase changes. Eliminating these defects maximizes the effectiveness of drugs and prevents adverse effects.
- Thermal
Thermal analyzers measure changes in pharmaceuticals from application of heat, such as changes in weight and energy and emission of gases. They are useful in applications such as comparing quantities of a main ingredient in a series of pharmaceuticals and surveying the stable shapes of pharmaceuticals.
- Handheld
At pharmaceutical production sites, all materials received must be checked to ensure that there is no error in them. By using a handheld Raman spectrometer, manufacturers can measure the contents of materials without removing them from the polyethylene containers and glass bottles in which they are received, thereby avoiding concerns about contamination.
- CT
- Cosmo Scan/Stella Scan series
(The Cosmo Scan/Stella Scan series are only available in China and Japan.)
The skeletons and internal organs of small animals can be observed while the animals are alive. This technology is also valuable in vital research on treatment and prevention of illness in humans, such as testing of safety and efficacy during drug development. In recent years, this technology has contributed significantly to COVID-19 research.
- CT
Observation of the structure of bones, teeth and extracted organs in superfine detail plays a vital role in precious research to improve people’s health, enabling treatment and prevention of diseases in greater numbers of people.
- 20µm
Product name/
Series name
- X-ray
Use of X-ray analysis to examine the condition and quality of crystals in semiconductors enables improvement of semiconductor quality and production methods.
- X-ray
- AZX 400
- WaferX 310
- etc.
In the semiconductor manufacturing process, the quantity deposited in each layer of layer deposition must be carefully managed to obtain the desired material characteristics. Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) offers exceptional resolution, enabling evaluation of deposition of a wide range of semiconductor materials.
- X-ray
Contamination of wafers in the semiconductor manufacturing process is a factor in the reduction of yield. The Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis Series enables high-speed screening for contamination of wafer surfaces.
Electronic device
- Thermal
Thermal analyzers are used to evaluate the thermal characteristics (melting point, rate of expansion, glass transition) of epoxy resins, ceramics and lead-free solders used in electronic circuit boards. They provide vital feedback on selection and compounding of materials and production processes.
- CT
When electronic products fail, the cause of the failure must be isolated, and for this the product must normally be finely taken apart and sectioned. With XCT, however, these causes can be identified in a non-destructive manner, providing valuable feedback to prevent recurrence of the failure. Growing numbers of manufacturers are incorporating XCT into manufacturing processes for pass/failure judgment of products.
- X-ray
The use of hazardous substances such as lead and mercury in electronic devices is subject to restrictions, requiring confirmation through receiving inspection at production sites. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry enables these hazardous substances to be detected easily and non-destructively.
- 20µm
- 0.5µm
Product name/
Series name
- X-ray
Demand for lithium-ion batteries to power mobile devices and EVs is rising. Extending the working life of lithium-ion batteries requires direct observation of battery status during charging and discharging. X-ray analysis makes it possible to confirm changes during charging and discharging without opening the battery, enabling more accurate analyisis.
- X-ray
Managing the characteristics of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and other batteries requires control of batteries’ composition, particularly of impurities. Using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry makes examination of elements quick and simple.
- CT
LIBs, which are currently our mainstay batteries, mainly consist of a wrapped layered structure of positive electrodes, negative electrodes and separators. X-ray computed tomography (XCT) is used to inspect these products to ensure that there are no wrapping errors (slippage of wrapped layers, etc.) or impurities in the materials. These inspections are conducted with utmost care, as wrapping errors and impurities can result in damage to the batteries or, at worst, major accidents such as explosion and burning of the batteries.
- X-ray
- Niton series
(Niton is available only in Japan)
Recycling of batteries has become especially active in recent years, to ensure effective use of precious resources. Handheld X-ray fluorescence spectrometry equipment enables on-the-spot inspection of the elements contained in recycled products.
Product name/
Series name
Cultural Heritage
- X-ray
Examining the chemical composition of unearthed artifacts can provide the chemical grounds for forming hypotheses on how items were made and reexamining questions of where items were produced.
- CT
XCT can be used to confirm the contents of items without damaging them, enabling viewing of the interior of precious sites dating back centuries and even millennia. Items that can never be restored once broken can be examined with peace of mind. This technology can determine not only what a thing is but also the extent of its deterioration.
- X-ray
By examining the elements in a work of art, the sources of materials can be discerned, and by extension trade routes identified. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry permits examination of precious artworks without damaging them.
Free silicic acid
- X-ray
Crystalline silica dust is recognized worldwide as a carcinogen. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is garnering attention as a fast and reliable way of analyzing trace amounts of crystalline silica included in specimens. This device can detect crystalline silica in quantities as minute as ⅒ the value rated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW).
- X-ray
The purpose of environmental monitoring is to monitor water quality and pollution levels in soils. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry contributes to multipoint analysis and evaluation through its ability to analyze elements quickly and easily.
- Thermal
By analyzing samples retrieved from the asteroid Ryugu by the Hayabusa 2 probe using thermal analyzers, scientists can learn the types of gas the asteroid emits and the temperatures and quantities at which it emits them. These measurement results are valuable in inquiring into the origins of the Earth and the solar system.
- X-ray
Analysis of the elements in rocks and minerals is essential in studying the evolution of planets and the structure of the Earth.In recent years, Rigaku has conducted element analysis on samples retrieved by the probe Hayabusa 2 from the asteroid Ryugu. Rigaku has identified 20 elements in these samples, including oxygen and carbon.
- X-ray
Rigaku has analyzed granules retrieved from Bennu, a type-B asteroid, by the NASA probe Osiris Rex. This analysis is expected to lead to discoveries about the history of Bennu and about similarities and differences between Bennu and the asteroid Ryugu.
- 20µm
- 0.5µm
- 50µm
- 0.5µm
- 30µm
- 20µm
Product name/
Series name
- X-ray
Measuring with X-ray fluorescence spectrometry enables non-destructive evaluation of characteristics of polymer film such as mechanical strength and transparency.
- Thermal
Thermal analyzers can be used to survey the thermal characteristics (melting point, rate of expansion) of polymers and analyze their gas emissions. They play a role in determining appropriate conditions for use of polymers and methods for their disposal.
- CT
The range of applications of plastics is expanding, for purposes such as reinforcement and weight reduction. XCT is used for applications such as observing the condition of reinforcing fibers in plastics and quantitative evaluation of internal gaps. By improving quality while increasing production efficiency and reducing costs, XCT contributes greatly to the goal of producing good products cheaper.
- X-ray
Accurately assessing characteristics of cement such as curing time and strength requires analysis of high precision and accuracy. Quantitative analysis using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is finding increasing favor in cement research and quality control for its simplicity and quick results.
- X-ray
The composition of ceramics is stringently controlled to ensure that their characteristics match their intended applications. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is used in quality control as it enables solids to be analyzed as they are.
- Thermal
- DTA8611
(DTA8611 is available only in Japan)
Ceramic parts are fired at extremely high temperatures. High-quality ceramics require binders that burn off efficiently during firing. Thermal analyzers play a role in simulating complex manufacturing processes.
- X-ray
When developing metal-based materials, obtaining metal-based materials that deliver the target characteristics requires evaluation under a wide range of temperatures and atmospheric conditions. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry enables crystal phase changes to be observed in detail during heating under special atmospheres such as hydrogen, ammonia and steam.
- X-ray
Control of electroplating deposition and metal composition is vital in preserving product functionality. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is widely used in metal manufacturing industries for its ability to measure specimens as they are.
- X-ray
- Niton series
(Niton is available only in Japan)
Metal recycling has grown increasingly active in recent years as companies strive to make effective use of limited resources. Handheld X-ray fluorescence spectrometry devices can be used to inspect the elements in recycled products on the spot.
- Thermal
Thermal analyzers can be used to survey the thermal characteristics of metals including transformation points, melting points and rates of expansion. Metals are used in a wide range of environments, so information on their thermal characteristics is vital for selecting the right metals for a particular application or use environment.
- X-ray
In research on the evolution of planets and the structure of the Earth, the composition and molecular structure of rocks and minerals are routinely analyzed. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, enables examination of the components of mineral facies and their composition.
- Thermal
Cement made from minerals requires precise changes in weight in order to examine quality. In addition to thermal characteristics obtained using TG-DTA, when combined with GCMS, thermal analysis can be used to measure CO2 volumes, which are vital for environmental measures.
- X-ray
The flavor and texture of butter change dramatically with temperature. Accordingly, producers pay close attention to the crystallization of fats and oils to maintain favorable product quality. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) enable surveying of characteristics of butter such as crystalline structure and melting point.
- Thermal
Thermal analyzers measure foods in many ways, helping to determine the melting point of chocolate and the softness of chewing gum, for example. They also play a role in evaluating features such as ideal storage conditions and the “melt-in-the-mouth” feeling of foods.
- CT
Expressing flavor, texture and so on in numbers is no simple matter. XCT expresses numerically such features as content by percentage, homogeneity and the number and size of bubbles, delivering good taste experience through high-level quality control.
safe and
- Handheld
The handheld Raman spectrometer is used in the security field, including law enforcement, customs and defense, to guard against the threat of terrorism that is growing worldwide. Chemical weapons, explosives and their precursors can be detected while still in their containers, enabling on-the-spot threat assessment.
- Handheld
Handheld Raman spectrometers are used in fields such as customs and drug interdiction to identify stimulants, narcotics and other illegal drugs. These devices can detect substances through their containers in a non-destructive manner, allaying concerns about destroying evidence.