Corporate Governance

Basic Stance on Corporate Governance

Since its foundation, the Rigaku Group’s corporate philosophy has been “to contribute to the development of human society through the advancement of science and technology.”
The Group is committed to realizing a sustainable society and contribute to the enhancement of corporate value over the medium to long term. To this end, the Group strives to gain the trust of customers, business partners, associates (employees), local communities, shareholders and other stakeholders and is working to solve social issues while maintaining cordial and smooth relationships with them. As part of this effort, we have established the Rigaku Mission, Vision and Values (Rigaku MVV) and the Rigaku Group Code of Conduct.
In accordance with this corporate philosophy and code of conduct, and to achieve sustainable growth while increasing corporate value over the medium to long term, the Rigaku Group will ensure the transparency and fairness of its decision-making, in accordance with the above Rigaku MVV and the Rigaku Group Code of Conduct and in line with the following basic principles.
We will also make effective use of our management resources and strive to build an effective corporate governance system.

We commit ourselves to:

  1. 1. Consider the interests of various stakeholders and work appropriately with them
  2. 2. Respect the rights of shareholders and ensure their equality
  3. 3. Ensure transparency through appropriate disclosure of corporate information
  4. 4. Ensure that the Board of Directors and others properly fulfill their required roles and responsibilities based on fiduciary responsibility and accountability
  5. 5. Engage in constructive dialogue with shareholders who have mid-to-long-term investment policies

Rigaku MVV (Mission/Vision/Values)

The Rigaku Group aims to contribute to society by adapting to the environment of a new age, growing in response to changes in the business environment and upholding its long-held Corporate Motto and Creed. To these ends, the Rigaku Group has established the following Rigaku MVV for 2022.
The Rigaku Group will continue to contribute to society by conducting global management guided by the Rigaku MVV, which are shared and acted upon by all officers and employees, and by developing through science and technology.

  1. 1. Corporate Mission
    Contribute to the enhancement of humanity through scientific and technological development.
  2. 2. Corporate Motto
    Value our customers, value our people and value our technology.
    The Rigaku vision describes how Rigaku should act in order to achieve continued growth for all stakeholders involved in Rigaku’s business. The new Rigaku defines its stakeholders as “customers,” “employees,” “society,” and “shareholders,” and pledges its mission “responsibility” to each stakeholder.

Outline of Corporate Governance System and Reasons for its Adoption

The Company has established a Shareholders Meeting, Board of Directors, and Board of Corporate Auditors. In March 2024, the Company amended its Aticles of Incorporation to change from a company with corporate auditors to a company with a board of corporate auditors. Under this institutional design, the Board of Directors is responsible for important decision-making and supervision of business execution; the Board of Corporate Auditors is an auditing body that is independent from the Board of Directors and composed of independent corporate auditors. The Board of Directors supervises the Company’s execution of business and the Board of Corporate Auditors audits that execution. The Company adopts this system based on the judgment that effective corporate governance is best ensured through the separation of supervision of business execution (by the Board of Directors) from auditing (by the Board of Corporate Auditors), and that such separation enhances the supervisory and monitoring functions of management. In addition, the Company has established the Management Committee; Nomination, Evaluation and Compensation Committee; ESG Promotion Committee; Compliance Committee and Risk Management Committee as voluntary committees that enhance the corporate governance system by supporting prompt and flexible decision-making by the Board of Directors.

Corporate Governance Structure

Corporate Governance Structure

Report on Corporate Governance

The Company submits Reports on Corporate Governance to the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

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