[Information] Sustainability Solutions Energy saving in next-generation power semiconductors, enabled by metal contamination assessment solutions
[Press Release]The Rigaku Group’s XwinSys Changes its Name to Rigaku Semiconductor Instruments -To strengthen its manufacturing of equipment for advanced semiconductor packaging-
Product Technology
[Press Release]Rigaku Announces XSPA-200 ER Detector for X-ray Diffraction System Supports Convenient, Highly Sensitive Analysis in a Desktop instrument
[Information]Rigaku Corporation opened a joint showroom/laboratory in Cleveland, OH, USA with Herzog
[Press Release] Rigaku BioScience Lab Opens in USA-To provide new visualization technologies for biopharmaceuticals at the world’s largest bio-science research hub –
Product Technology
[Press Release]Rigaku Develops Technology for 3D Visualization of the Atomic-scale Structure of Amorphous Carbon-Contributes to the development of high-performance materials for battery devices and the like –
[Information] Basic Policy on Corporate Governance
[Information] Sustainability Solutions Development of a Device for Measuring CO2 Fixation in Concrete
[Press Release]Listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market
Approval of Listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market