
Environmental Initiatives

To reduce CO₂ emissions

CO₂ emissions from Rigaku group globally were 10,277 t-CO₂ in 2022, a 7.6% increase compared to the base year (2021). On the other hand, CO₂ emission intensity decreased by 8.4% against total revenue.

Rigaku group has been working to improve it's performance on environmental issues through its ISO14001-certified environment management system and in compliance with regulations such as Japan's Act on the Rational Use of Energy. As part of this effort we installed solar panels rated at 30 kW on the rooftop of Rigaku Yamanashi plant in 2009.

In July 2022, our ESG Promotion Committee chaired by the Group CEO, and an ESG Promotion Project were set up to move forward with ESG promotion initiatives company-wide, including climate related issues. We submitted a response to CDP for the first time in July 2023 covering Rigaku's global CO₂ footprint, and in September 2023 we set an overall goal to reduce these CO₂ emissions by 50% (Scope 1 and Scope 2). To achieve this goal, we will expand our solar power capacity, increase purchases of renewable energy, and promote various energy-saving initiatives. We are also working to calculate Scope 3 CO₂ emissions to ensure accountability of emissions from our whole supply chain.

Total reduction goal

Reduce the Scope1 and Scope2 CO₂ emissions by 50% by 2030 compared to the base year (2021)

* All Rigaku Group locations worldwide are taken into account, but some very small sites are considered negligible and excluded from the calculation (expected emissions less than 1% of Rigaku's total).

Initiatives we take part in

Rigaku group submitted a response to the CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project), the international environmental NGO, for the first time in July 2023. We endorse the CDP's mission that "We want to see a thriving economy that works for people and planet in the long term" and will proactively disclose information in line with this mission.