
Human Capital Initiatives

To ensure our company’s long-term sustainable growth, we are proactively investing in human capital and working to recruit and secure a diverse workforce.

Creating a work environment for employees’ fulfillment

To help employees balance work and childcare and create an environment where all the employees can fulfill their potential, we implement various programs and measures.

Programs to Support a Positive Work Environment

Leave and Holiday Policies

Childcare Support

We offer programs, such as maternity leave allowance (equivalent to the basic salary when combined with childbirth allowance from the healthcare insurance) and a reduced-hours system for child-raising (available until the child completes third grade).

  • Return-to-work rate after parental leave: 100% (past five years record)
  • Paternity leave utilization rate: 64% (FY2023)
Paid Leave

Employees receive 17 days of paid leave in the first year entering the company (19 days in the second year, and 20 days from the third year onward).
Also, employees can take paid leave in hourly increments.

  • Average days of paid leave taken: 13.9 days (FY2022)

In addition to a standard five-day workweek (Saturday, Sunday, and national holidays off), we provide New Year’s holidays, Golden Week, summer vacation, paid leave, bereavement leave, and special refreshment leave for long-term employees.

  • Total annual holidays: 128 days

Support diverse work styles.

We can wear anything at our office.
We can wear anything at our office as we respect diversity and autonomy and promote a working environment where we can work with vigor and enthusiasm.
*There are some restrictions for safety reasons.
Staggered office hours
We have a system of staggered hours to improve work-life balance and productivity. The starting time can be chosen from 7 AM to 11 AM, in 30-minute increments.
Travel allowance outside of working hours
We pay an allowance for traveling outside of working hours.
Work-from-home system
We have a work-from-home system to improve flexibility and efficiency. We pay a work-from-home allowance.
Free address workplace
We have free addresses in some offices, for active communication among employees.
No overtime day
We encourage employees to leave work on time every Wednesday.